Sunday, June 17, 2007

New Roof For Pastor Eric Home

The trailer house that Pastor Eric and his family lives in was in need of some repairs, the roof was leaking bad over the kitchen and other places. The whole roof was in bad condition and needed replaced. The Lakeside Assembly of God Church in Moultrie GA heard about the project and wanted to help, by sending a team and raising the money for the project. The team was going to come out in September of 2006 but because of uncontrolled reason they had to cancel. They sent the money for the project anyway.

The cabinets in the house were in bad shape and falling apart so we decided to build some new ones and install them at the same time as the new roof project.

In May, a team from the Bigfork church loaded up cabinets and tools and headed for Rock Boy Church on the Rocky Boy Indian Reservation. It has been raining for days and the weather forecast said there was no let up in site. The leak in the house was getting worse and causing a lot of damage. We finely decided to go and pray the rain would stop.

We got to the church late at night and it was still raining. In the morning, the rain had stopped but looked like it could start at any time. By 9:00 that morning, we started working on the roof. You could see the rain off in the distant but it did not rain on us.

We worked on the roof during the day and the cabinets at night. The damage caused by the water leak was repaired; also, two new air conditioners were installed. The team worked long hard days to get everything accomplish.

God answered our prayer. It never did rain on us. The day we left, it started to rain again. We serve a might God.