Are we truly in the last harvest? Is the return of our Lord close? What are the signs that would make you thing we are living in the last days?
How many people do you know that would not make it into Heaven if the Lord came back to day? I am sure you know some, but the first thing we need to make sure of is that our name is not on that list. It is impossible to show someone the way if you do not have the direction yourself.
Jesus said in Matthew 9:37 "The harvest is plentiful but the workers are few”. I think Jesus is trying to tell us something that it is time to put into practice what we believe. The Lord wants no one to perish but to have a change to receive Christ or reject Him.
Throughout history, God has used His people to reach the lost of the world, great revivals have sprung up at just the right time when people were looking for encouragement and hope for the future.
In 1730 a revival movement helped people realized their need of salvation by Christ. Pulling away from ritual and ceremony, the Great Awakening made religion very personal to the average person by fostering a deep sense of spiritual guilt and redemption, and by encouraging self-examination and a commitment to a new standard of personal morality. This movement also brought Christ to the slaves for the first time.
The Second Great Awakening (1800–1840s) was a major religious movement in the U.S. that reached out to the un-churched and brought large numbers of people to a real experience of Christianity, fueling the rapid growth of the church. In addition, churches started sending out missionaries, and starting support organizations for the mission movement.
The Third Great Awakening (1850s to the 1900s) was a period of strong revival movement in America. It began with a meeting on April 14, 1906, and continued until roughly 1915. This is when the Assembly of God Church started.
William Seymour a African-American one-eyed preacher from Centerville, St. Mary's Parish, Louisiana moved to Los Angeles, and started preaching in an old rundown building on Azusa Street which became the biggest Holy Ghost Revival this country ever experienced to this day. It spread like wildfire all over the world to where currently there are around 470 million Pentecostal believers around the world.
Some say there was a Fourth Great Awakening (1960’s) the Jesus movement, televangelist, and the rise of non-affiliated churches. No major revivals most of the movement was between churches.
What a great time for The Fifth Great Awakening of 2010. It has been over a hundred years since the last great revival, let us all pray that revival will come. What will bring revival? Prayer, prayer, prayer, and obedience to the call of God, God wants to use his people to reach the lost around us. Revival starts momentum, momentum creates energy, and energy from the Holy Spirit can change the world. Praise the Lord let your energy flow.